College and career pathway students reflect on the 2023 academic year and their aspirations for life after high school
The Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) is a $500 million investment in college and career preparation, based on the Linked Learning approach to educational transformation and student success. More than a decade of practice and independent evaluation proves this approach works—and the GSPP builds on this evidence to ensure young people across our state graduate ready to thrive and meet the demands of California’s rapidly evolving economy.
Now, as new fiscal challenges have put the GSPP investment at risk, it is more critical than ever to understand the impact high-quality college and career pathways have on California’s young people—and to bring their needs and aspirations into the statewide conversation.
The Linked Learning Alliance regularly fields a survey of young people who participate in Linked Learning college and career pathways throughout the state. This document presents preliminary findings for the 2023 academic year.
Communications, Research, College & Career Readiness