linked learning convenings
From time to time, the Linked Learning Alliance brings together district, school, and pathway leaders from across the Linked Learning field for an immersive, multi-day experience. Convenings provide an opportunity to reflect, self-assess, and plan systemic improvements in student experience and professional culture, grounded in Linked Learning principles, within your local context.

Creating Coherence in College and Career Readiness
With increasing interest, new resources, fresh perspectives, and decades of proven practice, we have before us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to catalyze greater coherence across district, state, and federal systems to create more seamless and transformative educational experiences for young people aged 14-24.
Our Golden Opportunity: Creating Coherence in College and Career Readiness is a four-day event bringing together educators, industry partners, and community leaders from across our field for the first major Linked Learning event to return in person.