welcome to the movement
Keep Us Linked is a campaign for the college and career preparation that ALL California students deserve—and that our state needs to thrive. It’s powered by the Linked Learning Alliance.
Raise Your Voice
Join us in calling on California leaders to Keep Us Linked: to meaningful high school experiences, to smooth postsecondary transitions, to high-impact careers with family-sustaining wages, to the future all Californians deserve.
How Keep Us Linked Connects the Dots
Proposed investments work in concert with existing college and career preparation efforts taking place in California communities today. Sharing common goals and characteristics, these programs can only deliver the pronounced, statewide results we want to see if we implement them in coordination with each other, and in alignment with each community’s vision of college and career readiness.
Keep Us Linked by the Numbers
The work of Keep Us Linked is not new. Linked Learning pathways have been advancing the fields of education, healthcare, STEM, and climate for over a decade. With Keep Us Linked, we can build on the work taking place across California, bringing high-quality college and career preparation to more young people and their communities.
Linked Learning Pathways in High-Opportunity Industries
School Districts Served by Linked Learning Pathways in High-Opportunity Industries
Students Served by Linked Learning Pathways in High-Opportunity Industries
Keep Us Linked in the News
Keep Us Linked is making headlines! Read coverage of the movement, pieces by key Linked Learning coalition partners, and more.
Keep Us Linked Coalition Partners
This work is only possible when we come together—K–12, higher education, industry, and community—and advocate for a commitment to adolescents during their decade of difference, a formative period between the ages 14 and 24 when young people establish their identities, dispositions, and lifelong aspirations. We are so proud to partner with these organizations in this work:
Keep Us Linked coalition partners are featured in our advocacy toolkit, the Keep Us Linked website, and other Keep Us Linked materials. They have access to exclusive content, engagement opportunities, and more.