Taking the Golden State Pathway

As summer vacations begin to wrap up and we enter back-to-school season, we at the Linked Learning Alliance have a sense of renewed excitement for the year to come. We’re especially thrilled to reunite with educators, industry partners, and community leaders from across our field for the first major Linked Learning event to return in person.
This year’s conference will be particularly powerful as new Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment funds present a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform our educational system, meaningfully engage young people, and develop the workforce of the future—if we build on what works and coordinate our efforts together.
Through the 2023 Linked Learning Conference on February 14-17 in San Diego, CA, participants will learn how to Take the Golden State Pathway to advance:
Join us to grow this field in service to students and the future they make possible.
Learn how to accelerate the adoption of high-quality pathways that lead to equitable college and career outcomes.
Discover new ways to build genuine, effective college and career opportunities—and bring about new education and workforce equity for generations.
While this is only the beginning of the conference season with many exciting announcements and participation opportunities to come, I’d love to take a moment to share with you some early highlights of what we have in store for February 2023. This year’s conference will include:
- Opportunities to learn about new funding for college and career preparation through the Golden State Pathways program.
- Hands-on workshops centered on proven approaches including Linked Learning that blend rigorous college and career preparation and career technical learning for students of all abilities.
- Networking opportunities to meet and learn from hundreds of leaders, innovators, and educators across education and workforce development sectors.
- Celebrations of the field’s accomplishments as we pursue our goal of seeing 1 million young people in Golden pathways within the next decade.
Stay tuned for more information on how together, we can prepare to meet this golden moment to power equity, justice, growth, and prosperity.
Registration and opportunities to submit conference session proposals coming soon!
To stay up to date on all conference announcements, sign up for our newsletter.