From the Field: Pathways, AccelerateED, and Partner Opportunities
Hello Linked Learning Field! As we head into the summer, we have much to reflect on and be grateful for from this past school year. In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to share the results from our 2022 Linked Learning Youth Survey, our participation in the AccelerateED initiative, several thought leadership pieces highlighting the value of college and career pathways, and more!
Linked Learning News and Resources
Student Speak Out: 2022 Linked Learning Youth Survey Results

We are pleased to share the results of the 2022 Linked Learning Youth Survey. Over 2,000 young people from Long Beach USD, independent charter districts, Oakland USD, Porterville USD, and San Bernardino City USD shared how their pathway experiences have influenced their feelings about future plans, how the ways adults in their pathways helped them forge strong connections throughout their educational journeys, and more! | Review the Survey Results
Linked Learning Alliance Selected for Gates' AccelerateED Initiative

We are so proud to announce that the Linked Learning Alliance has been selected to be a part of AccelerateED. A Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation initiative, AccelerateED seeks to bring coherence to high school and higher education and career learning experiences. In partnership with Linked Learning leaders in Long Beach, Oakland, and Antelope Valley, this achievement will provide opportunities to help further our goals, achievements, and investments in young people. | Learn About AccelerateED
Pathways to Postsecondary and Economic Success: A Golden Opportunity for California Students

The proposed $2 billion in funding for Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2022-23 budget is a vital investment in California’s young people at a pivotal stage of their development — and in the workforce that’s counting on these adolescents to help them innovate and grow, write Dr. Jill Baker, Long Beach Unified School District Superintendent, and Dr. Kyla Johnston-Trammell, Oakland Unified School District Superintendent. Read more about how college and career pathways have impacted Long Beach and Oakland in EdSource. | Read Pathways to Postsecondary and Economic Success
With Pressure on Teachers at a Boiling Point, California Needs New Pathways Into the Profession

Even before COVID-19, California and the nation has been facing a growing teacher shortage. Linked Learning Alliance President Anne Stanton and TeachPlus California Executive Director Sarah Lillis write for EdSource that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s investments in Golden State Pathways can be a solution to the growing crisis, jump-starting the preparation for and supporting young people in careers in K-12 education. | Read With Pressure on Teachers at a Boiling Point, California Needs New Pathways Into the Profession
Helping Young People Ages 14-24 Shift from High School to College, Work and Beyond

Between the years of 14 and 24, young people fully develop their attitudes and personalities, and begin to really seek meaning within their smaller and wider communities. President and CEO of All4Ed Deborah Delisle and President of the Linked Learning Alliance Anne Stanton reflect on exemplary efforts to smooth transitions between K-12 and postsecondary, including Golden State Pathways and the Linked Learning approach. | Read Helping Young People Ages 14-24 Shift from High School to College, Work and Beyond
Investing in Community: Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine and Community Partners Are Building a Healthcare Pipeline

Latinx workers make up only 9% of the healthcare workforce, but represent nearly 20% of the working population nationwide. Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine (HPIAM), a Linked Learning Gold Certified pathway at Linda Esperanza Marquez High School, is invested in the infrastructure needed to ensure their young people have a range of powerful, hands-on academic and work-based learning experience to prepare them for postsecondary studies and careers in the healthcare field. | Read Investing in Community
Los Angeles Unified School District Celebrates CTE-Linked Learning Industry Partners and Advisory Board Members

The Los Angeles Unified School District CTE-Linked Learning office gathered to share college and career readiness progress in the district and celebrate the industry partners and advisory board members that helped to make it happen. Over 50 organizations were present, representing arts and entertainment, business and logistics, public service, healthcare, technology, and more. We join Los Angeles Unified School District in thanking everyone who supports young people in reaching their college and career dreams! | Learn More about Linked Learning Pathways in Los Angeles Unified School District
Partner News and Events
NYEC Workshop: Having Employers Become Your Champions

The National Youth Employment Coalition is hosting a virtual session on Tuesday June 28, 1:00-2:00pm PT, to review principles and strategies to strengthen employer relationships, contributing to a more productive and engaged workforce. Participants will get a full menu of activities designed to heighten the level of business connections with their organizations. | Register for Having Employers Become Your Champions
Teach Plus California Policy Fellowship

Applications are open for the Teach Plus California Policy Fellowship! This fellowship is a highly selective leadership opportunity focusing on expanding your influence through engaging, expert-led modules, through both in-person and virtual training sessions. Teach Plus Policy Fellows can testify in front of the California State Board of Education, conduct webinars and focus groups, and meet countless other committed teachers across the state. Applications are due Monday July 11. | Apply for the Teach Plus California Policy Fellowship