Student Outcomes
By integrating rigorous academics with real-world learning and strong support services, Linked Learning prepares students for success in college, career, and life.
Participating Districts: Antioch Unified, Los Angeles Unified, Long Beach Unified, Montebello Unified, Oakland Unified, Pasadena Unified, Porterville Unified, Sacramento City Unified, West Contra Costa Unified
An Independent, Multi-Year Evaluation
From 2009 to 2018, SRI International conducted a rigorous, independent evaluation of the California Linked Learning District Initiative, which helped nine school districts develop and implement plans for expanding the Linked Learning approach in their high schools.
The participating districts varied in size, from serving approximately 5,000 high school students to more than 185,000. They represented a variety of regions across the state, including urban, suburban, and rural geographies. More than three-quarters of high school students in each district were nonwhite; more than half were socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Significant in its length and scope, SRI’s evaluation provided critical insight into the impact Linked Learning has on student success, most notably for students participating in high-quality, certified pathways.
Evaluation Findings
Students enrolled in high-quality Linked Learning pathways outperform their peers in traditional high school programs in a number of important ways. SRI evaluation shows that Linked Learning leads to greater achievement and persistence in school. The research also shows Linked Learning students making strides toward a more equitable, economically promising future.

Evaluation Publications
Multi-year evaluation of the California Linked Learning District Initiative surfaced findings with relevance to an array of audiences—including education practitioners, policymakers, and funders.

Advancing Equity and Opportunity in Community
Lessons from the Oakland Health Pathways Project

Linked Learning Student Outcomes
Summary of Effects on High School and Early Postsecondary Education

The Linked Learning Advantage
21st Century Skills Development