Alliance Blog

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October 12, 2022

When educators and employers work together, they transform communities by building the talent pipeline required for economic prosperity. We are poised to make those changes at scale and bring it to life as never before if we act wisely and collectively with our state’s $500 million investment in the Golden State Pathways program, writes Loren Kaye.

July 13, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

On June 30, Governor Newsom signed the 2022–2023 state budget, which includes a $700 million investment in Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment. These funds will dramatically increase the number of young people who have access to genuine, effective college and career opportunities—and bring about new education and workforce equity for generations.

July 8, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

A question that has long vexed American secondary education is whether to prepare students for college or a career. With the creation of the Golden State Pathways Program, California has decided to invest in both.

June 13, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

The pandemic exacerbated teacher shortages that must be addressed, and it also shined a light on the need to find new ways to engage and empower our young people. With thoughtful implementation to reach the communities and students who need it most, Golden State Pathways promises to help us do both, writes Teach Plus California's Sarah Lillis and Linked Learning Alliance's Anne Stanton.

May 31, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

The proposed $2 billion in funding for Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2022-23 budget is a vital investment in California’s young people at a pivotal stage of their development — and in the workforce that’s counting on these adolescents to help them innovate and grow, writes Long Beach USD Superintendent Jill Baker and Oakland USD Superintendent Kayla Johnson-Trammell.

May 24, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

The decade between ages 14 & 24 is crucial for young people and for the future of the workforce. Education leaders should help make a seamless transition from middle school to high school, college and careers, writes All4Ed's Deborah S. Delisle and Linked Learning Alliance's Anne Stanton.

May 23, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

Governor Gavin Newsom announced his May revision to the 2022-2023 budget proposal today. The proposal now goes before the legislature which must approve a final 2022-2023 California budget by June 15. In response, the Linked Learning Alliance issued the following statement.

March 9, 2022

As more and more students across California participate in pathways that integrate college and career courses and experiences, the state should consider collecting data not just on the individual components of a pathway experience, but on the overall impact of pathway participation itself, writes Linked Learning Alliance Vice President of Strategy and Impact Roneeta Guha.

February 9, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

We are proud to announce the launch of Keep Us Linked, a campaign to support investments in high-quality, evidence-based college and career readiness initiatives in the California State Budget.