Alliance Blog

Find the latest announcements and launches from the Linked Learning Alliance here—plus reflections and insights about what’s happening across the field.

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November 28, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

The Linked Learning Alliance is proud to announce Dr. Amy Loyd and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond as the 2023 Linked Learning Conference Keynote Speakers.

October 3, 2022

The need for highly skilled computer science, cybersecurity, and information technology professionals is on the rise. Linked Learning pathways across California are preparing their students to take on these roles with high-quality, hands-on learning in the computer science and IT field.

August 24, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

We are thrilled to be kicking off this school year celebrating the remarkable certification achievements of 26 new Linked Learning pathways.

August 19, 2022

Happy Friday! This week, we’re reading about the continued resurgence of career-technical education programs, the need to increase funding for Black students in California, a new network for teacher apprenticeships, and more. Enjoy your weekend, and thank you for reading with us!

August 5, 2022

Happy Friday! This week, we’re reading about how Oakland USD is tackling recruiting and retaining high-quality educators, coverage of the AccelerateED program, the resurgence of high school apprenticeships, and more. Have a great weekend!

July 22, 2022

Happy Friday, Linked Learning! This week, we’re excited to see the fantastic work taking place in Eastside High Schools’ biomedical Science Academy, a Gold Certified Linked Learning pathway, be featured in Antelope Valley Press. We’re also reading stories on the impact COVID-19 has had on Latinx student success, the state and federal funding for community schools, California’s commitment to apprenticeships, and more. As always, thanks for reading with us!

July 19, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

The Linked Learning Alliance is hiring a Communications Intern for the Fall 2022 semester!

July 13, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

On June 30, Governor Newsom signed the 2022–2023 state budget, which includes a $700 million investment in Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment. These funds will dramatically increase the number of young people who have access to genuine, effective college and career opportunities—and bring about new education and workforce equity for generations.

July 8, 2022 | Linked Learning Alliance

A question that has long vexed American secondary education is whether to prepare students for college or a career. With the creation of the Golden State Pathways Program, California has decided to invest in both.