The Alliance establishes evidence and informs learning by leading and commissioning studies, collecting and analyzing data, and disseminating findings about the Linked Learning approach and its impacts.
Evidence-based, systemic, and scalable, Linked Learning today reaches hundreds of thousands of students across the country. Evidence from over 10 years of independent research shows it results in higher high school graduation rates and lower drop-out rates. Participating students develop the skills, competencies, and social capital they need to thrive and succeed in postsecondary education, work, and life. They demonstrate increased postsecondary preparedness and enroll in higher numbers. And the positive effects are more pronounced among Black and Latinx students and students with low prior achievement—important gains toward equity.
Featured Publications

Advancing Equity and Opportunity in Community
Lessons from the Oakland Health Pathways Project

Linked Learning and Community Schools
Preparing all Students for College, Career, and Civic Life

Taking Stock of the California District Initiative
Seventh-Year Evaluation Report Executive Summary