LInked Learning Gold Pathways
Gold Certification is the highest quality standard for Linked Learning pathways, and a signal of exemplary work being done by staff, students, and partners. The pathways presented here have achieved this distinction.
Antelope Valley Union High School District

Biomedical Science Academy, Eastside High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, certified spring 2019
A rigorous and relevant four-course biomedical science sequence allows students to investigate the roles of biomedical professionals as they study the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. Students engage in activities like investigating the death of a fictional person to learn content in the context of real-world cases. They examine the structures and interactions of human body systems and explore the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease—all while working collaboratively to understand and design solutions to the most pressing health challenges of today and the future. Each course in the biomedical science sequence builds on the skills and knowledge students gain in the preceding courses. Schools offer the three Biomedical Science foundation courses within a period of three academic years from the start of implementation and may also offer the capstone course.

Multimedia and Engineering Academy, Lancaster High School
Engineering and Architecture Pathway, recertified spring 2024 and certified spring 2019
This pathway provides students with the opportunity to learn through integrated lessons, apply knowledge through project-based learning, and develop career skills while still in high school. Students select a pathway that interests them (multimedia or engineering), then follow a carefully designed curriculum that develops their critical thinking, problem solving, and technical skills. Academy teachers work together to support the lessons in each classroom, so students expand their learning across all classes, and apply their skills in the community. Students master the use of 21st century technology, innovate creative solutions for modern problems, develop real-world job skills, and become the leaders of tomorrow.
Carlsbad Unified School District

Film Academy, Carlsbad High School
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Pathway, certified spring 2019
This academy offers a college preparatory curriculum designed to fulfill the academic and personal interests of students who want to learn to create film. Academy students write, direct, and produce their own films, gaining important collaborative, cooperative, and creative problem-solving skills. Graduates of the Film Academy acquire a 21st century literacy that includes the ability to successfully employ film to communicate throughout their professional and personal lives.
Dinuba Unified School District

Construction Management Academy, Dinuba High School
Building and Constructions Trade pathway, certified spring 2022
The Construction Management Academy (CMA) is the first Gold Certified Linked Learning pathway in Dinuba Unified School District. Students who are in CMA will be exposed to many opportunities to interact with industry partners and college visits. CMA also offers students the opportunity for internships and plan and build real world projects.
Long Beach Unified School District

Cabrillo Academy of Law & Justice, Cabrillo High School
Public Services Pathway, certified spring 2019
This academy provides students with the opportunity to explore the fields of legal studies and criminal justice through a series of rigorous and thematic classes focused on topics and issues relevant to the pathway. Students complete their A-G requirements while progressing through a sequence of advanced technical courses and work-based learning experiences designed to provide them with the opportunity to explore a multitude of careers in the legal and public safety industries. During their four years at Cabrillo, students in the academy gain the technical skills needed to be successful in college and career.

Criminal Justice & Investigation Pathway, Ernest S. McBride Senior High School
Public Services Pathway, recertified spring 2023 and certified spring 2019
Supported by a crime lab and legal counsel, this pathway places emphasis on a legal and forensics context throughout students' four-year experience. With simulated crime scenes, Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) Mock Trial competitions, and interactions with professionals, students come to understand the foundations of the criminal justice and legal systems; the science behind CSI; and the expectations of a future in law, criminology and public services. Students also see the connections between math, science, history, and English as important components of Criminal Justice.

Engineering Pathway, Ernest S. McBride Senior High School
Engineering and Architecture Pathway, recertified spring 2023 and certified spring 2019
With five engineering courses over four years, students design new and innovative products using industry standard CAD/CAM software and CNC machining processes. Students learn math, science, history, and English in the context of the engineering design process and hands-on projects. Using the nationally recognized and locally tested Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering curriculum, students graduate from this pathway with demonstrated manufacturing and design skills and a strong understanding of the variety of engineering career and college options. Along the way, they experience the joy of creating something new, from concept to reality.

Sato Academy, Sato Academy of Math and Science
Engineering and Architecture Pathway, certified spring 2022
Los Angeles Unified School District

East LA Performing Arts Magnet, Esteban E. Torres High School
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Pathway, certified spring 2018
This magnet school engages a diverse group of students through a rigorous program of college-preparatory academic and performing arts courses using interdisciplinary, project-based learning to empower students to develop their academic and artistic skills to their fullest potential so that they may succeed in college and their careers. The vision and mission revolve around providing rigorous standards-based instruction that allows students to express themselves through writing, research, and performing. Students become effective communicators in a broad range of media to address issues that affect their diverse communities and themselves. They are encouraged and supported by their school community as they discover, develop, and demonstrate their talents, interests, and learning.

Environmental Science, Engineering & Technology Academy (ESET), Carson Senior High School
Energy, Environment, and Utilities Pathway, certified spring 2018
In this academy, lessons from the classroom blossom and grow into real and relevant projects. Students are invited to design and create a sustainable energy project; build and maintain a living green space complete with organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs; grow vertically using hydroponics; build a remote operating vehicle, a remote hydrogen fuel cell car, or robot; repair, restore, and/or design an automobile; design a lasting eco art piece; travel and learn about a national park—in short, this is where technology combines with creativity and learning comes alive with possibilities. The academy uses a holistic approach to learning with career focuses in the natural environment, engineering, computers, and automotive arenas—all with an overarching theme of local and global sustainability. Students have opportunities to meet industry and community partners, receive mentorship, earn an internship, and visit companies and businesses associated with STEAM careers.

Grover Cleveland Charter High School
Global Media Studies Magnet Pathway, certified Spring 2024
Students in the Global Media Studies Magnet (GMS) are challenged to discover themselves and their world by exploring global issues through the lens of social media, animation, history, literature, and film. GMS works to ensure that students receive the best possible training through hands-on animation and video projects, collaborative classes, field trips, internships, and mentors from the communications industry. Students learn to use their media skills for the good of their global community by engaging with students in other countries to explore and develop solutions to current social issues.

Law and Public Service Magnet Pathway, Theodore Roosevelt Senior High
Public Services Pathway, certified spring 2024

Medical and Health Sciences Pathway, Theodore Roosevelt Senior High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, recertified spring 2024 and certified spring 2019
This pathway program is designed to provide students interested in entering the healthcare field with various opportunities throughout their high school career. Students learn about the medical field through a variety of courses such as First Responder, Biology, Medical-core, and more. These courses not only provide students with valuable information but also provide hands-on experience to maximize and deepen their understanding of the medical field. Roosevelt’s Medical and Health Sciences Pathway is dedicated to creating a culture where students identify, select, and pursue career pathways and develop necessary skills that lead to postsecondary career and/or college opportunities.

STEM Academy, Boyle Heights STEM Magnet High School
Engineering and Architecture Pathway, recertified spring 2024 and certified fall 2020
Located in the historic neighborhood of Boyle Heights in East Los Angeles, STEM Academy of Boyle Heights is a collaborative learning community that educates students with an emphasis on developing STEM literacy and 21st century skills. It strives to produce graduates with the disposition, knowledge, and skills to make positive contributions in a changing world. STEM Academy of Boyle Heights was the first pathway in the nation to become Linked Learning Gold Certified through a virtual review during COVID-19.

Biomedicine and Engineering Pathway, STEM Academy of Hollywood
Health Science and Medical Technology, certified spring 2021
This pathway supports student learning by offering a strong core instructional program designed to help all students meet high academic standards; enrichment activities designed to expand student learning opportunities and to support their cognitive, social, emotional, moral and physical development; and focused and comprehensive series of courses in the fields of science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM). The vision is for students to experience an ambitious and challenging curriculum that makes post-secondary education a reality. As a neighborhood school, STEM Academy is an open and welcoming environment where volunteerism and community service are the norm. Parents are actively engaged in their adolescent's learning, and there is strong community and business support. All teachers work within a professional learning community that embodies the belief that improved teacher practice results in improved student learning.

Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine, Linda Esperanza Marquez High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, certified spring 2021
This small public pilot school is one of several options within the Huntington Park/Marquez Zone of Choice available to students residing in the local attendance area. It provides an environment allowing students, families, and school personnel to develop strong connections with each other, actively engage in the educational process, and work collaboratively to improve the quality of life for all in the local community. The pathway’s mission is to provide every student with a rigorous and relevant standards-based curriculum that provides opportunities to explore health and medical related careers and professions, as well as enables students to achieve academic excellence in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Los Angeles High School of the Arts (LAHSA), Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Pathway, certified spring 2021
This school was germinated in 1997, when teachers at Belmont High School were given the opportunity to design nine learning environments focused on a particular subject or area of study. The goal of these programs, or “academies,” was to create a more personal environment for the school's 5,000+ students, giving them an identity and a voice within the school. LAHSA has established a strong record of academic excellence. In addition to its Linked Learning certification and accreditation with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, LAHSA has been recognized by Los Angeles Unified School District as a "School on the Move."

New Media Academy, Hollywood High School
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Pathway, certified spring 2021
This academy supports the development of savvy consumers and producers of media by engaging youth in creative intellectual pursuits using a multi-disciplinary, project-based approach. Located in the heart of Hollywood, the New Media Academy provides students with the opportunity to graduate from high school ready to enter college and be part of the talent pipeline to the media industry central to the Los Angeles economy. The academy has formed strong partnerships with important media firms and industry professionals resulting in quality internship opportunities for students and opening up professional networks and mentorships that have lasting impact on young people’s lives. These partnerships also result in engaging, academically rigorous projects for all students grounded in industry and college prep academic standards.

Biomedical Science, Reseda Charter High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, certified spring 2022

Patient Care, Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, certified spring 2022

School of Business and Tourism, Miguel Contreras Learning Center
Marketing, Sales, and Services Pathway, certified spring 2022
The mission of the School of Business and Tourism at the Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is to provide students with an education of enduring value. Our Linked Learning program is designed to meet students’ interests and industry demands by integrating a strong college-preparatory curriculum with career and technical skills within the business, tourism, and hospitality career pathways. By participating in thematic, interdisciplinary models of project-based learning, students will develop skills in interpersonal relations, leadership, effective written and oral communication, problem solving, technology, and teamwork.
San Bernardino City Unified School District
Curtis STEM Academy, Curtis Middle School
STEM Pathway, certified spring 2024
Curtis STEM Academy is the first middle school in at San Bernardino City Unified School District and second middle school in California to achieve Linked Learning Gold Certification. Students are introduced to a wide array of hands-on machines and technology including 3D printers, lathes and computer numerical control (CNC) milling machines, and computer-based drafting programs. Curtis STEM Academy works closely with business partners throughout the county to ensure students have the skills and are prepared for the STEM workforce.

Business of Science and Technology Academy, San Andreas High School
Business & Technology Pathway, certified spring 2023
This pathway offers students cutting-edge technology, business, and agriculture training. They learn about modern growing technologies in addition to working and harvesting produce in a progressive hydroponics lab and greenhouse. Students travel to and work with community businesses, schools, and agencies. Additionally, they deliver produce to Nutrition Services, restaurants, and community food banks.

Business of Science and Technology Academy, San Andreas High School
Health Science Pathway Pathway, certified spring 2023
This career pathway gives students the opportunity to explore careers in healthcare and emergency medical services, including emergency medical technician, paramedic, and nursing. They gain a foundation and understanding of medical terminology, body systems, disorders, diseases, and pre-hospital care for the sick and injured. Students also develop medical skills within the responsibilities of a first responder and proper procedures of emergency care. All who complete the pathway earn one or more industry certifications that can be used to assist in obtaining a job.

Business and Logistics Academy, Arroyo Valley High School
Marketing, Sales, and Service Pathway, certified spring 2020
The Business and Logistics Academy is committed to providing students with hands-on experience in the classroom. Participating students develop the skills to build virtual business, become certified in Microsoft Office, manage money, and work in global logistics.

CORE Academy, Arroyo Valley High School
Energy, Environment, and Utilities Pathway, certified spring 2019
CORE Academy students are introduced to a variety of skills, including green technology training, urban planning, GIS/GPS mapping, LEED building retrofitting, and habitat restoration. Students also have pre-apprenticeship opportunities that prepare them for careers in renewable energy, construction, architecture, and engineering.

Digital Design and Communications Career Pathway, Pacific High School
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Pathway, certified spring 2021
This career pathway prepares students to become animators, movie or video producers, directors, actors, voice actors, web artists, graphic designers, illustrators, or freelance artists. Students use video, audio, music, graphics, animation, programming, and web skills to create their own digital portfolio. The A-G approved courses in this academy ensure that students are prepared for college and careers in the 21st century by combining academic and career technical skills. Students are invited to participate in work-based learning opportunities such as guest speaker engagements, field trips, job shadowing, and internships. All who complete the pathway have the opportunity to earn articulated college credit and/or industry certification.

Digital Media Academy, Arroyo Valley High School
Arts, Media, and Entertainment Pathway, certified spring 2020
The Digital Media Academy prepares students for careers in the digital arts and provides hands-on experience with the latest design tools, software, and techniques; digital photography equipment and software; and film and broadcast technology. The academy also gives students first-hand exposure to digital and media arts college majors.

Project Lead the Way (PTLW) Biomedical Science Academy, Pacific High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, certified spring 2019
Whether discovering new cancer treatments or teaching healthy lifestyle choices to their communities, today’s biomedical science professionals are tackling big challenges to improve the future. Pacific’s PLTW Biomedical Science Academy students are taking on these same real-world challenges—and they’re doing it before they even graduate from high school. Participating students work with the same tools used by professionals in hospitals and labs; they engage in compelling, hands-on activities and consistently work in teams to find solutions to problems that may change how medical society operates. By the time students graduate, they are well prepared to navigate any career path they may take.
Visalia Unified School District

Health Sciences Academy, Mt. Whitney High School
Health Science and Medical Technology Pathway, certified winter 2024
The Health Science Academy is affiliated with Project Lead the Way (PLTW). It offers students interested in a health-related occupation an exciting opportunity to explore their passion beginning in high school. Students in the Health Science Academy complete English, science, and career-themed courses together as a cohort, and these courses include integrated projects that help students come to a thorough understanding of the topics related to health care. Students have the opportunity to pursue college credit through dual enrollment and health industry certifications.