In This Moment (06/01): California State Budget May Revise
Welcome back to In This Moment, Linked Learning Alliance’s policy updates blog! Today, we take a look at the May Revise to the California State Budget. We also share a special message from California policymakers past and present celebrating the incredible work of the Linked Learning field this year.
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Gov. Gavin Newsom Releases May Revise to 2021-22 Budget

Earlier this month, Governor Gavin Newsom released the May revise to the 2021-22 state budget. The Governor proposed a wide range of education investments, including:
- Comprehensive student supports, including mental health services and Community Schools aimed at connecting students to life-long learning and success through meaningful in-school and out-of-school educational experiences that address student needs;
- Expanded learning opportunities that are proven to accelerate teaching and learning after a year of school closures and missed hands-on and experiential educational opportunities;
- Additional staff to ensure students have the rich relationships they want and need to discover their aspirations and seize on their purpose; and
- Collaboratives that bring together K-12, postsecondary and workforce leaders around shared goals and outcomes for young people post-pandemic.
You can read the Linked Learning Alliance’s full statement on the budget here.
Legislature Proposes to Double Funding for CTE Grants

This week both the Senate and Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education voted to approve a package of budget proposals.
After the release of the Governor’s May Revision, both houses of the Legislature have been working to create their own version of the state budget. Soon, the fate of the budget will rest with negotiations that take place between the Big Three: the Governor, Speaker, and Pro Tem.
Both branches prioritized increasing the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) program funding by $150 million ongoing Prop 98. Assemblymember O’Donnell (CA-70) spearheaded this effort to double the funding for CTEIG by introducing AB 839. Although AB 839 was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee last week, both houses are pushing on the Newsom administration to include the additional funding in the final budget.
The Assembly and Senate education packages also include the following actions:
- Amends the $1.1 billion proposal to increase concentration grant factor from 50% to 65% of base grant, and instead increasing supplemental grants to 23.3% of base grant;
- Reduces the Governor’s Community Schools proposal by $1 billion; and
- Reduces the teacher package by $500 million.
Keep in mind the proposals mentioned above are exactly that: proposals. Over the next few weeks, negotiations between the Senate Pro Tem, the Assembly Speaker, and the Governor will ultimately decide the fates of many of these issues—particularly where there may be disagreement.
Now that both Education Budget Subcommittees have formally adopted their packages, the full Budget Committees in both houses will hammer out a deal on the final state budget. Hearings should begin next week, and with a constitutional requirement to send the budget to the Governor by June 15, things will evolve quickly. We will continue to keep you updated with information.
Education Leaders Recognize Linked Learning Pathways

Education leaders from across the state of California came together to recognize Linked Learning students, educators, and communities for their incredible work during the challenges of COVID-19. The congratulatory video, which debuted during Reflecting and Revitalizing After a Remarkable Year: 2021 Linked Learning Symposium and Celebration, featured the following leaders:
- Dr. Joseph Castro, Chancellor, California State University
- Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, President, California State Board of Education
- Delaine Eastin, Former California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Dr. Stephanie Gregson, CaliforniaChief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Jack O’Connell, Former California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Tom Torlakson, Former California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Senator Ben Allen, California Senate District 26
- Senator Lena A. Gonzalez, California Senate District 33
- Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, California Senate District 23
- Assemblymemeber Jesse Gabriel, California Assembly District 45
- Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, California Assembly District 70
- Assemblymember James C. Ramos, California Assembly District 40
We are deeply grateful to each of these decision makers for joining us in celebrating our pathways this year.