Alliance Blog

Find the latest announcements and launches from the Linked Learning Alliance here—plus reflections and insights about what’s happening across the field.

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March 16, 2023 | Linked Learning Alliance

The Linked Learning Alliance is thrilled to announce the first-ever Linked Learning Students of the Year. We established this brand-new award to recognize civic excellence, honoring high school seniors who have made meaningful contributions to their community through their Linked Learning pathway experience.

September 8, 2023 | Linked Learning Alliance

The latest post from the Learning Policy Institute’s Transforming Schools series is authored by Linked Learning Alliance President and CEO Anne Stanton. Her guest post, Thriving, Learning, and Leading: What Adolescents Are Teaching Us Post-Pandemic and Why We Should Listen, emphasizes that while some of the hardships of the pandemic have begun to subside, students—particularly adolescents—are still reeling from its traumas during an extremely formative time in their lives.